Mosquitos are a global pest that no one wants to encounter. Mosquito bites can cause itchy bumps and allergic reactions, but they can also spread several diseases.
It’s no wonder that so many people are itching to know what they can do to keep that mosquito bite to a minimum! Whether you’re traveling abroad or hanging out in your own backyard, there are a few ways to repel mosquitoes.
.So, if you’re ready to learn how to evade those itch-inducing pests, you’ve come to the right place.
Read on to discover how to repel mosquitos with five different techniques that are easy to implement.
1. Avoid Peak-Mosquito Times
When it’s mosquito season, it’s difficult to avoid these flying pests at any hour of the day. However, there are two time periods every day when mosquitos become the most active: dusk and dawn. If possible, stay indoors until these mosquito buffet hours are complete.
2. Make Your Yard Less Mosquito-Friendly
Have you found that your yard is a mosquito haven? Take precautions to make it less mosquito-friendly by dumping standing water (which attracts mosquitos) and planting things like citronella (which repels mosquitos). If the issue is severe, invest in a mosquito sprayer fogger to drastically reduce the mosquito population in your yard.
3. Use Mosquito Repellants the Right Way
If you’re using mosquito repellants like DEET or picaridin, make sure that you’re using them the right way. For starters, don’t spray them all over your body; instead, spray them on your hands and pat down your skin, including your face and neck. Another important tip is to use the sprays and avoid things like DEET bracelets, which don’t do much to ward off mosquitos.
4. Keep Mosquitos Outside
Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning to dozens of fresh mosquito bites. If you’ve got mosquitos in your house, use net canopies to protect your bed immediately and install window screens in every window if you haven’t already. Then, call an exterminator who can get rid of your current infestation and prevent future infestations from taking over.
5. Be Conscious of Your CO2 Levels
Mosquitos tend to find us more attractive when our CO2 outputs are high. This tends to occur when our heart rates are elevated, we’re consuming spicy foods, or we’re drinking alcohol. Stay proactive when you know that your CO2 levels will be on the rise and stay indoors or use mosquito repellants to protect yourself.
Keep the Mosquito Bites at Bay With These Tips
Mosquito bites are uncomfortable and, in some cases, can have mild to serious impacts on our overall health. Use these tips to avoid getting bitten by mosquitos and enjoy an itch-free summer season no matter where you live.
Looking for more preventative measures you can take to protect your health this year? Take a look around for tips, guides, and facts that will keep you in the know and prepared to ward off everything from unpleasant pests to the common cold.